Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Blog has moved
This blog has been kept around for archival purposes only!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Blogs for Borders Video Blogburst for July 3rd 2007
100% Preventable!
The Deportation Joke!
Happy Fourth of July!
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join find out how right here.
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty, pedophile, child molester, drunk driving, mexico, operation predator, the deportation joke, 100% preventable, blogs for borders, remittances,
Labels: Blogs for Borders Freedom Folks Video Blogburst Illegal Immigration
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Great day for Hershey rally
Weather was ideal - bright sun, slight breeze, not too humid... We were perched on a "grassy knoll" as Gary Sutton called it, just off the parking lot of the Hershey Lodge.
We had several speakers, including me! My first time..
Naturally most of us were basking in the glow of victory from handing a "crushing defeat" to the Scamnesty Bill S 1639 and President Bush on Thursday. And most of us reiterated that we will not stop until we see our current immigration laws enforced which will have illegal aliens leaving on their own through attrition.
For any of you who met me in Hershey - my "other" blog - the one that is more up to date than this one since the new one keeps me much busier with a discussion forum - is
Pictures and video from the rally shortly.
Labels: Hershey voice of the people usa rally pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Blogs for Borders Video Blogburst for June 19th 2007
100% Preventable!
Do deportations keep us safe?
We investigate in this weeks Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst.
Please remember the agents! Noe Aleman, Agents Ramos & Compean, Agent Gilmer.
Read more on the 'Deportation Joke" here.
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty, march for america, 100% preventable, rape, pedophile, border security, trent lott, I got the power, mexico, third world
Labels: Blogs for Borders Freedom Folks Video Blogburst Illegal Immigration
Monday, June 18, 2007
Video from Washington DC March for America
Labels: March for America David Marlett US Patriot Companies
Friday, June 15, 2007
Blogs for Borders Video Blogburst for June 12th 2007
Uncounted Beans?
And 100% Preventable!
Vote for us at RealClearPolitics
March For America is this weekend! Are you going? If not, why not? Along with the big 'do' in DC there are events in several states.
As we said in the "Emergency Burst" the horrifically bad S. 1348 isn't dead yet, please help put it out of our misery!
Noe Aleman headed to jail on Monday, whatever help you can offer is deeply appreciated.
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty zombies, republicans, democrats, uncounted beans, crime statistics, hispanic, fbi, mexico, rape, drunk driving, 100% preventable,
Labels: Blogs for Borders Freedom Folks Video Blogburst Illegal Immigration
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Dana Rohrabacher says patriotic Americans stopped the shamnesty bill
Key Senators to call:
McConnell 202/224-2541
Lott 202/224-6253
Kyl 202/224-4521
Brownback 202/224-6521
Burr 202/224-3154
Chambliss 202/224-3521
Cornyn 202/224-2934
Hutchison 202/224-5922
Isakson 202/224-3643
Warner 202/224-2023
Webb 202/224-4024
Labels: amnesty Senate amendments dana rohrabacher al rantel
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Amnesty Bill comes back to life in Senate - because "I'm the President" George Bush yells
Learn more about your congresscritters stance on immigration at the excellent "Immigration Stance."
If you're not already a member please make sure to sign up with NumbersUSA, they bring you the 411 on the who to call, when to call them, and what to yell at them about!
If you're unsure why this is an important fight? Watch this video made by Roy Beck of NumbersUSA and it details the demographic realities that this bill would only make worse.
H/T Maggie's Notebook
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty, s 1348, president bush, mexico, john kyl, john mccain, ted kennedy, arlen spector, shamnesty, the undead
Labels: Blogs for Borders Freedom Folks Emergency Amnesty edition
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Amnesty Bill is defeated in the Senate! Celebrate!
Thank you NumbersUSA, Grassfire, ALIPAC and many other groups who helped focus our efforts on Washington!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A broad immigration bill to legalize millions of people in the U.S. unlawfully failed a crucial test vote Thursday evening, a stunning setback that could spell its defeat for the year.
A disappointed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, lamented the failure to find ways to make the bill acceptable to Republicans who objected to it and withdrew the measure from consideration.
"People worked very, very hard on this bill," he said after a vote to conclude debate went down to defeat.
Still, Reid said he believed the bill would eventually pass and that he would keep working toward a "grand bargain" between liberals and conservatives on immigration.
Thursday evening's 45-50 vote followed 33-63 vote earlier in the day. Sixty votes were needed to limit debate on the immigration measure and put it on a path to passage.
Republicans -- even those who helped craft the measure and are expected to support it -- banded together to oppose that move, while a majority of Democrats backed it.
Republicans were seeking assurances they would get chances to add several conservative-backed changes that would toughen the measure.
Proponents in both parties were scrambling to find a way of reversing a blow their compromise sustained earlier Thursday, when the Senate voted to phase out the bill's temporary worker program after five years.
The 49-48 vote came two weeks after the Senate, also by a one-vote margin, rejected the same amendment by Sen. Byron Dorgan. The North Dakota Democrat says immigrants take many jobs Americans could fill.
The reversal dismayed backers of the immigration bill, which is supported by President Bush but loathed by many conservatives. Business interests and their congressional allies were already angry that the temporary worker program had been cut in half from its original 400,000-person-a-year target.
A five-year sunset, they said, could knock the legs from the precarious bipartisan coalition aligned with the White House. The Dorgan amendment "is a tremendous problem, but it's correctable," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania. The coalition will try as early as Thursday to persuade at least one senator to help reverse the outcome yet again, he said.
Until the Dorgan vote was tallied, Specter and other leaders of the so-called "grand bargain" on immigration had enjoyed a fairly good day.
They had turned back a bid to reduce the number of illegal immigrants who could gain lawful status. They also defeated an effort to postpone the bill's shift to an emphasis on education and skills among visa applicants as opposed to family connections.
And they fended off an amendment, by Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, that would have ended a new point system for those seeking permanent resident "green cards" after five years rather than 14 years.
All three amendments were seen as potentially fatal blows to the bill, which would tighten borders, hike penalties for those who hire illegals and give many of the country's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants a pathway to legal status.
The Senate voted 51-46 to reject a proposal by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, to bar criminals -- including those ordered by judges to be deported -- from gaining legal status. Democrats siphoned support from Cornyn's proposal by winning adoption, 66-32, of a rival version that would bar a more limited set of criminals, including certain gang members and sex offenders, from gaining legalization.
Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, alone among his party's presidential aspirants in backing the immigration measure, opposed Cornyn's bid and backed the Democratic alternative offered by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Massachusetts.
Senators also rejected a proposal by Robert Menendez, D-New Jersey, that would have delayed the bill's shift in favor of attracting foreign workers with needed skills as opposed to keeping families together. Menendez won 53 votes, seven short of the 60 needed under a Senate procedural rule invoked by his opponents.
Menendez's proposal would have allowed more than 800,000 people who had applied for permanent legal status by the beginning of 2007 to obtain green cards based purely on their family connections -- a preference the bill ends for most relatives who got in line after May 2005.
Meanwhile, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, fell short in her bid to remove limits on visas for the spouses and minor children of immigrants with permanent resident status.
While several Cornyn amendments failed, he prevailed on one matter opposed by the grand bargainers. That amendment, adopted 57 to 39, would make it easier to locate and deport illegal immigrants whose visa applications are rejected.
The bill would have barred law enforcement agencies from seeing applications for so-called Z visas, which can lead to citizenship if granted. Cornyn said legal authorities should know if applicants have criminal records that would warrant their deportation.
Opponents said eligible applicants might be afraid to file applications if they believe they are connected to deportation actions. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, said in an interview that Cornyn's amendment was "not a deal-killer" but would have to be changed in House-Senate negotiations.
Labels: amnesty 1348 harry reid kennedy bill illegal aliens cloture
Blogs for Borders Video Blogburst for June 5th 2007
In this weeks edition...
Johnny Sutton puts another Border Patrol agent behind bars, wait till you hear why!
A gangbanger responds to MJ!
And three horrific crimes that would have been prevented had our president done his job!
Vote for us at RealClearPolitics...Here!
Learn more about Noe Aleman here, and donate here.
Digger's had the opportunity to interview Noe in Washington his report is here.
As always, we need to keep the pressure on until the 'Shamnesty Bill' dies a fitting death. You know what to do.
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join go to the Blogs For Borders Website and send us an email with "sign me up" in the subject line.
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty, noe aleman, johnny sutton, 100% Preventable, rape, gang rape, mexico, shamnesty, john mccain, president bush, michael chertoff, elvira arrelano, latin kings, death threats
Labels: Blogs for Borders Freedom Folks Video Blogburst Illegal Immigration
Monday, June 04, 2007
Harry Reid the Hispanic Pandering Traitor
Here is his contact info. Oh, and he lives in Searchlight, NV. Can't be too hard to find out where he lives if you want to go pay him a visit and let him know how you feel about "comprehensive immigration reform"
Press Release of Senator Reid
Reid Receives Award for Support of Mexican American Community
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Las Vegas, NV - U.S. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada received an award today from the Mexican Government, in recognition of his efforts to bring a Mexican consulate office to the area.
I recognize the important role and significance of having a Mexican Consulate office in Clark County," said Reid. "The Consul plays an important role in providing valuable information and services to the Mexican community. Before the Consulate opened, people in Clark County who sought Mexican consular services had to travel four hours to San Bernadino. I'm glad that I was able to help the Mexican Community fill that need."
"His [Reid's] support to Consul Berenice Rendón in opening the Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas was fundamental," said Consul Mariano Lemus Gas. "...The Mexican Consulate believes that Senator Harry Reid deserves recognition for his contribution to the opening of this office."
Reid and his staff worked closely with the Mexican Embassy to help bring the Consulate Office to Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Consulate Office, which officially opened in February 2002, was the 47th to open in the United States. In 2005, Consul Mariano Lemus Gas was assigned to the Las Vegas office.
The Consulate Office provides many services to the Mexican American Community including:
Information about requirements for traveling to Mexico Helping Mexican Nationals obtain consular identification cards Issuing Mexican Nationals passports Educating business people about travel and trade between the United States and Mexico Arranges for the return to Mexico of those who have died in the United States Helps with reunification of separated families Protects labor rights and helps recover back wages Promotes government programs such as education, health, and social development for those participating in the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad
Reid is committed to fighting for the Hispanic communities in Nevada. Reid has voted to raise the minimum wage; he supports tough and fair immigration reform; and he is working to ensure that states don't run out of money for children's health programs.
During today's ceremony, Reid joined Consul Gas to present the Ohtli Award to Pricilla Rocha and Araceli Paredes for their efforts to strengthen the community.
U.S. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada and Consul Mariano Lemus Gas present the Ohtli Award to Pricilla Rocha and Araceli Paredes.
Labels: harry reid hispanic panderer sell out Mexican consulate consular cards illegal aliens
Saturday, May 26, 2007
ACLU Exec indicted for having violent and graphic child porn
Notice how you have not heard about this on CNN or FOX News or any other large news outlet. Doesn’t that clue you in to the agenda by our Mainstream Media?
Child porn hearing set for former ACLU exec finger
Facing possible prison time for acting on group's agenda
Posted: May 26, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
A former youth league sports coach and executive of the American Civil Liberties Union, who has argued against any limits on Internet access in public libraries, is facing a hearing – and the possibility of prison – for having hard-core child pornography.
Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, as WND reported earlier, was arrested in February and was indicted earlier this month on allegations of having what a U.S. magistrate described as "the most perverted and nauseating and sickening type of child pornography" she ever had seen.
Rust-Tierney, who was president of the Virginia chapter of the ACLU until 2005 and served on the group's board until the day he was arrested, now is scheduled to appear in a court hearing on June 1 at which local reports say he is expected to plead guilty to various charges.
Authorities have alleged he used his own credit card and his own e-mail address to access and purchase an estimated $1,000 in graphic and violent child pornography during 2005 and 2006, according to Virginia's North Country Gazette.
(Story continues below)
Magistrate Theresa Buchanan said the material included an extended video featuring the sexual torture of children, accompanied by a song by the band called Nine Inch Nails.
He's been indicted on a count of receiving child pornography and another count of possessing child pornography, and authorities say he could face a prison sentence of 11 to 14 years on each charge.
While serving the ACLU, he argued against any restrictions on Internet access in public libraries, claiming "individuals will continue to behave responsibly and appropriately while in the library" so those facilities should provide "maximum, unrestricted access to the valuable resources of the Internet."
Court records indicate Rust-Tierney had subscribed to several websites featuring child pornography over a period of years, covering the same time he was serving as a youth sports league coach and arguing for an open Internet.
Twice during pretrial hearings judges had denied him bond, describing the material as some of the most sickening they'd ever seen. Authorities allege he used a computer located in his 10-year-old son's bedroom for the transactions.
Rust-Tierney was a coach in Arlington's Little League and had children who participated in Arlington's flag football league, according to Arlington County Parks & Recreation spokesperson Susan Kalish. She said all the group's coaches must go through annual background checks, and Rust-Tierney had passed all previous background checks.
Some of the children he coached had written letters of support. Several dozen people appeared at a hearing for him, urging the judge to release him from jail.
He and his lawyers have declined to respond to media requests for comment.
The federal indictment alleged he "knowingly received multiple computer files that contained photo and video depictions of minor teenage and prepubescent children engaging in sexually explicit conduct."
An anonymous chat room participant on the cannablog was distressed by the low profile in the national media over the case. When his arrested first was announced, authorities didn't even mention either his ACLU or youth league coaching connections.
"This man was the PRESIDENT of the Virginia ACLU and while he was president, he lobbied to keep the Internet available to child pornographers via any port available, and WHILE he was president he was engaged in purchasing and subscribing to child (infant and toddler torture) pornography for his personal and sexual gratification. The ACLU. Pouring money into a machine that victimizes children. For years. And that the media is keeping this out of sight is okay with you? Wow," he said.
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly called it a "horrifying" case. And he noted that the two "biggest left-wing outfits in the country – the New York Times and NBC News – ignored the story entirely." CBS News, CNN and most of the big city liberal newspapers also failed to cover the Rust-Tierney arrest, Fox said.
Several area broadcast stations and newspapers actually have begun to cover the case as it appears to be heading towards a conclusion.
"That Mr. Rust-Tierney, a leading proponent of unrestricted access to the Internet, has now been arrested for receiving and possessing graphic child pornography should serve as testimony to the injudicious and baleful outgrowth of the legal challenges launched by the ACLU questioning the constitutionality of important legislation that protects children from Internet exploitation and content harmful to minors," said a statement released by spokeswoman Cris Clapp of Enough is Enough, an organization dedicated to protecting children from the dangers on the Internet.
"When Mr. Rust-Tierney argued before the Loudoun County Library Board that unrestricted access to the resources of the Internet was essential for our children's ability to learn and communicate, and when groups like the ACLU contend that acceptable use policies alone are capable of protecting children online, they fail to acknowledge the tragic and devastating effects to children and families of both intentional and unintentional access to online pornography," the statement said.
The investigation that resulted in Rust-Tierney's arrest was conducted by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, as well as Arlington County police as part of the Northern Virginia and District of Columbia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
Labels: ACLU child porn Rust-Tierney Loudon County Virginia
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Doing the job the Border Agents can't do in Campo
Labels: Christie Campo San Diego border illegal
Letter from a Reconquista Dirtbag
From: Xalixco
You think you pilgrims can come to our land, NORTHERN MEXICO, which you
invaded and stole from, and think you have a legitimate right to fight
for land that is not yours? lol
You are calling us arrogant? lol! NOBODY LIKES AMERICANS ANYWHERE IN THE
Dude, you got your ass kicked by Guerilla warfare in Vietnam, a country
you invaded. You are getting your ass kicked right now by Guerilla
warfare in Irak, a country you invaded.
You will get your ass kicked by Guerilla warfare in Anahuac also, a
country you invaded. We are NOT the minority, WE ARE THE MAJORITY, AND
WE ARE HERE TO STAY, as we have been doing for 5,000 years.
You couldnt kill us off in 1492, we are STILL HERE!
If you had a war with MEXICANS, not Mexico…you would get your ass
kicked WORSE than in Vietnam, worse than you are getting your ass kicked
in the desert of Irak. There are over 13 Million undocumented indigenous
people in this Colony, 13 million living in the shadows, 13 million
SHADOW WARRIORS. you on the other hand will be easy targets. I see you
right now, you are in our land, GET OUT.
Labels: reconquista mexico hate mail war anuhuac aztlan
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Good news from DC on Amnesty bill
So there is one Yea on the list who is really on our side.
Call Senator Ensign and thank him and let him know you got the news and hope he sticks to his word
119 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2805
Phone: (202) 224-6244
Fax: (202) 228-2193
Main District Office:
333 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Ste. 8203
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: (702) 388-6605
Fax: (702) 388-6501
Labels: amnesty cloture vote illegal immigration senators
Blogs for Borders Video Blogburst for May 22 2007
Wisconsin cop killed by illegal alien!
Why the desperation for amnesty: we analyze...
As "The World's Greatest Deliberative Body" considers how best to reward our criminal invaders, I think you know what you need to do! NumbersUSA!
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join go to the Blogs For Borders Website and send us an email with "sign me up" in the subject line.
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty, ted kennedy, john mccain, blogs for borders, gang rape, murder, tuberculosis,
Labels: Blogs for Borders Freedom Folks Video Blogburst Illegal Immigration
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Senate, Enemy Of The American People - Amnesty And America - My Take
By Digger |
Last year I railed on the Senate for their absolute hatred of the American people. This year seems to be no different as they are putting the wants of a group of foreign peoples, most from Mexico, ahead of the wants of the American citizen. They have once again done so with an immigration "compromise bill" - of which the text isn't even written yet - which has been said to be "a great victory" for solving our illegal immigration problem in America.
They are so convinced that this is the solution to the problem that they are going to write the text, deliver it to Senators and get them to vote on it as quick as possible - even though they won't have the chance to read it. Instead of reading it the ones who put this "solution" together will just tell you about it. No need to actually read the fine print.
Now if that doesn't raise red flags to anyone who has ever signed a contract for a loan, let alone a bill that could become the law of a country of more than 300 million people, I don't know what will.
The fact is that this bill (and I'm just guessing here, because the text isn't available) is just more of the same of what we have done in the past regarding immigration reform. It includes amnesty, yet claims to put in place enforcement laws. The reality is that just like 1986, which also included enforcement laws, they will not be enforced.
Full articleLabels: Amnesty Senate American citizen Digger Digger's Realm cogress illegal immigration
Wisconsin Cop Murdered By Illegal Alien Scum Bag In Routine Traffic Stop
How many more US citizens have to die at the hands of illegal aliens before this government will take action? And action is NOT "comprehensive immigration reform". American citizens DEMAND that our government SECURE the borders, deport illegal aliens and punish employers who hire them!

Deputy Murder Suspect has Long Criminal History
TMJ4 Milwaukee
May 17, 2007
Watch local news video of the following story by clicking here.
KENOSHA - The man now charged with killing Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy Frank Fabiano is an illegal immigrant with a long criminal record.
Despite a criminal record going back six years, Ezeiquiel Lopez was never deported. Only after he was charged with killing Fabiano did anyone try to have him kicked out of the country.
Lopez, 44, is accused of murdering the 17-year sheriff’s department veteran while high on cocaine. Lopez’s history with the law dates back to 2001, when he was arrested in Utah for lewd and lascivious conduct.In 2003, he was arrested in Texas on a gun charge.
In 2003, Lopez was picked-up in Missouri for OWI.
In 2004, Kenosha Police arrested him on charges of domestic battery, disorderly conduct, bail jumping.
Still, this is the first time immigration enforcement had heard of him. “We can find no record of having had contact with this individual before or having had him referred to us by another law enforcement agency,” said Tim Counts of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
In court on Friday, Lopez said nothing. But a fellow inmate at the jail says Lopez had plenty to say Thursday night. “He was saying I’ll kill another one of you guys, give me a chance and I’ll kill another one of you guys.” The inmate wanted to remain anonymous.
Lopez has a wife and three kids. A criminal complaint says he was angry with his wife, the night of the murder. He admits to drinking tequila, doing cocaine and driving his van. But says he doesn’t remember shooting anyone.
A judge set Lopez’s bond at $1 million Friday. A hearing to determine whether the case should go to trial is scheduled for May 29.
read more | digg story
Labels: kenosha county wisconsin frank fabiano illegal alien victims
New Home of IllegalImmigrantProtest forum
Click the forum link on the main page to get to the discussions.. feels almost like the old IIP!
Labels: IIP illegalimmigrantprotest argumentsake
Friday, May 18, 2007
Immigration Debate will drag out all summer.. sigh
A look at the next steps for an immigration overhaul plan worked out by a bipartisan group of senators and the White House:
The Senate plans to open debate Monday on the bill and consider amendments throughout next week. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has set a Memorial Day deadline for completing the measure, but it's unlikely the complex plan can be finished that quickly.
Democratic leaders are waiting for the Senate to pass a bill before they consider one in the more-polarized House. They plan to act on immigration in July, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has told President Bush she won't bring up a bill unless he can promise at least 70 Republicans will support it.
If the House passes a version, House and Senate negotiators would have to blend the two bills into one. The House and Senate then would each have to pass that product. It would then go to Bush for his signature.
Bush has said he's eager to sign the measure into law by August, when Congress adjourns for four weeks, returning Sept. 4.
Labels: immigration reform congress memorial day harry reid no way jose