Sunday, April 29, 2007
Frosty Wooldridge Details Amazing Week in Washington DC
It was my distinct pleasure to meet Frosty Wooldridge in person at this event along with MANY other patriotic activists who are up off their couches and doing something positive for this country. A finer group of people I could not imagine. To see all the video the bloggers have collected for this event visit the Hold Their Feet to the Fire YouTube group.
By Frosty Wooldridge
This week, in Washington, DC, 35 national radio hosts, led by Roger
Hedgecock, descended on our nation’s capital to expose the illegal alien
amnesty being promoted by George Bush.
Known by various names, the Kennedy-McCain Amnesty Bill, it allows 20
million illegal aliens immediate amnesty along with a pathway to
citizenship. This amnesty does not differentiate drug dealers,
terrorists, child molesters, alcoholics or anti-American immigrants. It
requires no minimum standards as to education, loyalty to the United
States or intentions. Exactly like the 1986 amnesty, it solves nothing.
Ironically, it encourages further massive immigration without securing
America’s borders.
On Sunday, D.A. King of Atlanta, Georgia kicked off the event by hosting anti-illegal alien rally. Top speakers
from all over the United States presented their views within yelling
distance of the White House in Lafayette Park. The crowd carried banners
and waved Old Glory.
Policemen on horseback separated counter-demonstrators from the King
rally. Of special note, those same demonstrators yelled out names such
as ‘racists’ at King’s audience. Their name-calling fell on the ears of
a rainbow of Americans of every race, creed and color.
Roger Hedgecock, Terry Anderson, Jason Mrocheck, Colonel Al Rodriguez,
Lupe Moreno, T.J. Bonner, William Gheen, KC McAlpin, Peter Gadiel, Roy
Beck, Joyce Kaufman, Rick Oltman and others spoke on every aspect of
America’s greatest dilemma since the Civil War.
Hedgecock provided sobering news as to the impacts of an amnesty. Few
Americans realize the impact of adding 70 million immigrants in 30 years.
Anderson, a gifted and fiery speaker, talked about all Americans
becoming victimized in their schools, medical systems, crime and drugs by
illegal immigration, and Gadiel talked about the dangers of another
terrorist attack that took the life of his son.
Each speaker covered a wide array of America’s rampant illegal alien
While the King crowd cheered, the counter-demonstrators hurled insults,
blasted air horns and advocated for anarchy in favor of illegal aliens.
As each speaker presented added viewpoints, a story unfolded before the
audience. “We’re importing massive poverty,” Roy Beck said. “We don’t
know who we’re allowing into our country or their intentions,” said Peter
Gadiel. “We make our own people lose jobs,” said Lupe Moreno. “Our way
of life and legal systems suffer from this invasion,” William Gheen said.
“Our borders remain open to terrorists, “T.J. Bonner said. “Name one
advantage to adding 100 million people to the United States by 2040?”
asked Frosty Wooldridge. “Every American becomes a victim of this
invasion,” Terry Anderson said. “We’re victims in our schools, at our
hospitals, at tax time as we pay for their food stamps, schooling,
medical costs, drunken driving that kills our loved ones. What more does
it take to wake our leaders up?”
While the speakers recited facts, the counter demonstrators hurled
emotions. In the end, we all face a ‘Human Katrina’ of gargantuan
proportions. Emotions won’t solve it; realistic choices will!
America cannot continue adding unending immigrants without consequences.
Wikipedia helps us as we allow the magnitude and depth of the personal
impacts to sink in here;
In the context of human societies, overpopulation occurs when the
population density is so great as to actually cause an impaired quality
of life, serious environmental degradation, and/or long-term shortages of
essential goods and services. This is the definition used by popular
dictionaries such Merriam-Webster.
Overpopulation is not merely an imbalance between the number of
individuals compared to the resources needed for survival, or a ratio of
population over resources, or a function of the number or density of
individuals, compared to the resources (i.e. food production) they need
to survive.
It is rather a situation of shortage of resources and elbow-room that
must be caused by population, and not by other factors. This is because
such an imbalance may be caused by any number of other factors such as
bad governance, war, corruption or endemic poverty.
Each human-crowding factor creates an agitation, a gnawing and bothersome
affect that is difficult to describe— until you venture to a pristine
natural area, and begin to breathe deeply.
Are we squeezing together to make room for the unfortunates of the world
who have overpopulated themselves into a squeeze-play of their own
choosing? At what point does immigration from an impoverished world end?
It doesn’t!
Never in the history of the United States have American citizens faced
such an ominous situation. The Romans ignored their immigration
invasion, which cost them their civilization.
D.A. King wrapped up the event with a call to action during the “Hold
Their Feet to the Fire” week in Washington, Dc.
By Frosty Wooldridge
This week, in Washington, DC, 35 national radio hosts, led by Roger
Hedgecock, descended on our nation’s capital to expose the illegal alien
amnesty being promoted by George Bush.
Known by various names, the Kennedy-McCain Amnesty Bill, it allows 20
million illegal aliens immediate amnesty along with a pathway to
citizenship. This amnesty does not differentiate drug dealers,
terrorists, child molesters, alcoholics or anti-American immigrants. It
requires no minimum standards as to education, loyalty to the United
States or intentions. Exactly like the 1986 amnesty, it solves nothing.
Ironically, it encourages further massive immigration without securing
America’s borders.
On Sunday, D.A. King of Atlanta, Georgia kicked off the event by hosting anti-illegal alien rally. Top speakers
from all over the United States presented their views within yelling
distance of the White House in Lafayette Park. The crowd carried banners
and waved Old Glory.
Policemen on horseback separated counter-demonstrators from the King
rally. Of special note, those same demonstrators yelled out names such
as ‘racists’ at King’s audience. Their name-calling fell on the ears of
a rainbow of Americans of every race, creed and color.
Roger Hedgecock, Terry Anderson, Jason Mrocheck, Colonel Al Rodriguez,
Lupe Moreno, T.J. Bonner, William Gheen, KC McAlpin, Peter Gadiel, Roy
Beck, Joyce Kaufman, Rick Oltman and others spoke on every aspect of
America’s greatest dilemma since the Civil War.
Hedgecock provided sobering news as to the impacts of an amnesty. Few
Americans realize the impact of adding 70 million immigrants in 30 years.
Anderson, a gifted and fiery speaker, talked about all Americans
becoming victimized in their schools, medical systems, crime and drugs by
illegal immigration, and Gadiel talked about the dangers of another
terrorist attack that took the life of his son.
Each speaker covered a wide array of America’s rampant illegal alien
While the King crowd cheered, the counter-demonstrators hurled insults,
blasted air horns and advocated for anarchy in favor of illegal aliens.
As each speaker presented added viewpoints, a story unfolded before the
audience. “We’re importing massive poverty,” Roy Beck said. “We don’t
know who we’re allowing into our country or their intentions,” said Peter
Gadiel. “We make our own people lose jobs,” said Lupe Moreno. “Our way
of life and legal systems suffer from this invasion,” William Gheen said.
“Our borders remain open to terrorists, “T.J. Bonner said. “Name one
advantage to adding 100 million people to the United States by 2040?”
asked Frosty Wooldridge. “Every American becomes a victim of this
invasion,” Terry Anderson said. “We’re victims in our schools, at our
hospitals, at tax time as we pay for their food stamps, schooling,
medical costs, drunken driving that kills our loved ones. What more does
it take to wake our leaders up?”
While the speakers recited facts, the counter demonstrators hurled
emotions. In the end, we all face a ‘Human Katrina’ of gargantuan
proportions. Emotions won’t solve it; realistic choices will!
America cannot continue adding unending immigrants without consequences.
Wikipedia helps us as we allow the magnitude and depth of the personal
impacts to sink in here;
In the context of human societies, overpopulation occurs when the
population density is so great as to actually cause an impaired quality
of life, serious environmental degradation, and/or long-term shortages of
essential goods and services. This is the definition used by popular
dictionaries such Merriam-Webster.
Overpopulation is not merely an imbalance between the number of
individuals compared to the resources needed for survival, or a ratio of
population over resources, or a function of the number or density of
individuals, compared to the resources (i.e. food production) they need
to survive.
It is rather a situation of shortage of resources and elbow-room that
must be caused by population, and not by other factors. This is because
such an imbalance may be caused by any number of other factors such as
bad governance, war, corruption or endemic poverty.
Each human-crowding factor creates an agitation, a gnawing and bothersome
affect that is difficult to describe— until you venture to a pristine
natural area, and begin to breathe deeply.
Are we squeezing together to make room for the unfortunates of the world
who have overpopulated themselves into a squeeze-play of their own
choosing? At what point does immigration from an impoverished world end?
It doesn’t!
Never in the history of the United States have American citizens faced
such an ominous situation. The Romans ignored their immigration
invasion, which cost them their civilization.
D.A. King wrapped up the event with a call to action during the “Hold
Their Feet to the Fire” week in Washington, Dc.
Labels: Frosty Wooldridge, Hold Their Feet to the Fire Roger Hedgecock FAIR Alipac Washington bloggers